- #Bliss video game code
- #Bliss video game series
- #Bliss video game psp
In the preview for Episode 6, Sora can be heard making an Arrow to the Knee joke and Stephanie Dola exclaims "Stop!" This of course, was the incorrect translation as it is actually "to the knee". #Bliss video game series
In Episode 3, When Sora barges into the coronation ceremony, "Objection!" font from the Phoenix Wright series is shown.The same sound that appears in Brain Training, when you get an answer right and in New Super Mario Bros, in the castle that loops. A sound unique to the Nintendo DS can be heard during the Rock, Paper Scissors prediction in Episode 2.
#Bliss video game psp
A PSP is shown on the table in Episode 1, this time called the "DSP".
Konata begins running along in an 8-bit Track & Field fashion.
In Episode 8, Konata and her friends have to run a 100m dash. This reference is not present in the actual episode. During an episode preview after the credits of the episode "That Feeling", Konata references the infamous Infinite Lives cheat from the original Super Mario Bros. The handheld he is using,looks suspiciously like a DS lite,which never actually had a port of the game in question. The Nintendo Video exclusive episode "Shaun Goes Old-School" shows Shaun playing the original Super Mario Bros on his DS,while jumping around the farm in a vein similar to the game. Mario's catch-phrase "Mama-Mia" can be heard. In the movie, Red is shown playing an old-school video game resembling the original Super Mario Bros. In the episode "Blooooo" Wilt, Eduardo and Coco use a vacuum cleaner to catch ghosts, in a reference to Luigi's Mansion. In the episode "House Of Bloos" the extremasaurus chases Bloo in a manner similiar to the Pac-Man series, complete with sound effects.
The Amazing World of Gumball-The Uncle Episode (Clip) Gumball's of Mario Fan 720pHD-0 At the end of the episode, it's revealed that his uncle isn't the real Mario, but his dad is "A blue hedgehog that runs fast" alluding to Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Gumball also navigates a Super Mario Bros -inspired obstacle course.
In another Ocho themed episode from Season 5 entitled "The Uncle" Ocho mentions how his uncle is Mario, causing Gumball to joke about him go-karting, playing golf and grabbing stars. "The Console" involves Gumball and Darwin simulating a real-life JRPG in Elmore, with "Inverted Paradox" being a reference to the Final Fantasy series. The episode "The Phone" has Gumball and Darwin playing a game similiar to Space Invaders, with Ocho imitating the movements of the game in the climax of the episode. In the episode "The Treasure" when Anais, Gumball and Darwin knock down a wall,a sound similiar to the Zelda "Found a secret" chime can be heard. The episode "The Flower" has Gumball trying to kick the character Leslie while shouting "Hadouken!". In the episode "The Words" Gumball & Darwin initiate a battle parodying the Street Fighter series,complete with hadoukens and a "Continue? screen" with Gumball's dialogue. #Bliss video game code
An episode called "The Tape", features the 8-bit spider Ocho using the konami code to headbutt a $ Block reminiscent of the ? Block from the Super Mario Bros series.
Kid Icarus Uprising - True Ending's Secret Message (HUGE SPOILER!!!) Cartoons The Amazing World of Gumball